Community Health & Wellbeing

“The needs of mankind are universal. Our means of meeting them create the richness and diversity of the planet. The Montessori child should come to relish the texture of that diversity.”

– Dr. Maria Montessori
Our Mission 
The Lakeview community inspires its students to learn, lead & succeed together.

At Lakeview we begin with a deep respect for children as unique individuals. We offer a warm and supportive environment where children do not get lost in the crowd and offer an exciting environment for learning. Students learn to work independently and within small groups, allowing for more one-on-one individualised attention and care from their teachers.

At Lakeview Montessori School, we understand that mental health and well-being are important for student success and directly aligns with academic achievement and social-emotional development. We strive to promote student mental health by creating welcoming, caring and inclusive learning environments where diversity is recognized, respected and celebrated, and where every student is engaged as an active, contributing member of our learning communities.

Montessori education, in its essence, is a pedagogy of acceptance, love, and understanding. We are so very lucky that over 100 years ago, far ahead of her time, Dr. Maria Montessori built a peace education curriculum to support the work of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and was nominated for two Nobel Peace Prizes for her important work.

List of 20 items.

  • AVID Sensory Wellness

    Wellness & Sensory Products to enrich your life

    Sensory: We offer a variety of products that assist in the development, support, and enrichment of our eight senses, handpicked by Dr. Ahmed.

    Wellness: The widely known 8 aspects of wellness. It’s about more than just physical wellness. Each aspect of wellness is interconnected with the others and all are equally important in the pursuit of optimal health. We carry carefully chosen and primarily local brands. 

    Click here to learn more.
  • Canadian Mental Health Association - Windsor-Essex County

    24/7 walk-in Support for individuals 16+; Located at 1400 Windsor Avenue, Windsor  N8X3L9

    Phone: (519) 255-7440
  • Children First

    Children First provides services for families with children up to six years of age who are at risk for or experiencing mental health challenges or developmental concerns.

    We use a family-centred approach based on the principles of respecting every family’s beliefs, values and culture. Our program respects the strengths and resourcefulness of all families and aims to support and encourage families in their efforts to meet the needs of their children.
  • Cornerstone Family Care

    Providing adults & children with fast access to Counselling and Psychological Services in a warm, supportive, and confidential environment.
  • Evolve Speech Therapy

    Evolve Speech Therapy provides an individualized, specialized and integrative approach to support each child in their journey towards reaching their fullest communication potential.

    Click here to learn more...

  • New Earth Wellness

    New Earth Wellness, where clients can experience the innovative technology of the Harmonic Egg. The team shares a holistic approach to therapy in their respective fields, they seek to incorporate the use of energy medicine to help empower their clients to heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

    New Earth Wellness has speech language services, certified Reiki practitioners, a certified aromatherapist, an art therapist/psychotherapist and social workers on staff to help you meet your holistic therapeutic goals.

    Click here to learn more... 
  • Pinnacle Psychology

    Pinnacle Psychology works with individuals, families and professionals to understand the developmental, educational, and mental health challenges that may be impacting them throughout the lifespan. We are a collaborative practice that provides a wide range of clinical assessment, diagnosis, consultation and treatment services that are tailored to meet your individual needs.

    Click here to learn more. 
  • Pure Mentality

    At Pure Mentality we strive to create a community that helps bring awareness and conversation to mental health. We provide a platform that supports mental wellness, mental health and self care.

    Our products are specially curated to encourage holistic mental wellness needs for all areas of your life, including, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.

    Staffed with professionals from the mental health field, ready to chat about your individual needs, we are prepared to match you with products that best suit your lifestyle and personality.
  • School Mental Health Ontario

    Students deserve a say in their mental health learning and support. That’s why we’re here - Click here to learn more. 
  • Talk 2 Me

    Talk 2 Me provides resources and programs for children with speech and language concerns from birth until school entry.  We work with parents and caregivers to help every child be the best communicator they can be.

    Learn more... 
  • We Kid Spot

  • Youth Supporting Youth and scroll to the bottom of the page for the following:
      • Resources for Black Youth
      • Resources for LGBTQ Youth
      • Resources for Asian Youth
      • Resources for Indigenous Youth
      • Resources for Muslim Youth
  • Family Services Windsor-Essex

    Offers a variety of counselling and support services. Immediate “Call-In” Counselling is available on Tuesdays from 12pm-8 pm and Fridays from 9am-5pm.

    Phone: (519) 966-5010
  • Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care

    Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care is the lead mental health agency for children and youth in Windsor-Essex county, services are provided in collaboration with 5 key service providers:
    1. Children First (ages 0-6) provides services for families with children up to six years of age who are at risk for or experiencing mental health challenges or developmental concerns.

    2. HDGH Regional Children’s Centre (ages 6-12), offering crisis services, outpatient counselling and therapy, assessment and consultation, intensive day treatment and residential treatment

    3. Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services (ages 13 up to 17 years), Children’s and Youth Mental Health treatment centre offering support 
    Call 519-258-0484,     
    Call In Single Session Phone Service – 519-419-1397

    4. Family Respite Services Windsor-Essex (ages 0 up to 18 years), 519-972-9688 offers short break (respite) care for families  caring for individuals under the age of 18 who have physical, intellectual or mental health challenges

    5. WeCHC Teen Health Centre - Addiction Support Program (ages 12 up to 24 years)  free and confidential services for youth - offering primary medical care, general counselling, eating disorder support, addictions counselling, 4 locations Call 519-253-8481
  • Kids Help Phone

    Offers professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people (up to age 20) in both English and French.

  • One Stop Talk

    One Stop Talk offers children, youth (18 years and under) and their families immediate access to free mental health support. They provide single session counselling and direct referrals to other services when needed.

  • Windsor-Essex County Health Unit

    Click here for additional resources in our community
  • Youth Wellness Hub Windsor-Essex

    Offers free services for youth aged 12 to 25 without a referral or waitlist. 


    Address: Maryvale Cottage #6 (3640 Wells St., Windsor ON)

    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 1-6 pm, Tuesday, Thursday – 1-7 pm, Saturday – 10-2 pm

    Access to mental health, substance use services, primary care, community and social services
    No wait times, walk-in services available
  • Immediate Emergency Services

    If your child or youth communicates that they are thinking about suicide and have a plan to hurt themselves or someone else, call 9-1-1 or go to the hospital emergency department immediately.

    Call the Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare 24-hour crisis line: (519) 973-4435

    For youth up to 15 years of age:
    Windsor Regional Hospital Metropolitan Campus
    Emergency Department
    1995 Lens Avenue, Windsor, ON

    For youth 16+ years of age:
    Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus
    Emergency Department
    1030 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON

    Erie Shores Health Care  (ALL AGES)
    194 Talbot St.West, Leamington
    Emergency Department
    (519) 326-2373 ext. 4400

  • Additional Resources

    Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Learning to cope with anxiety is an important part of good health. The following websites offer a more in-depth understanding of various types of anxiety and strategies for coping.

    Anxiety Canada -
    Kids Mental Health -
    Strong Minds Strong Kids -

    Supporting your child during and after traumatic events can be challenging. The following resources are designed to help parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or has died.

    Kids Grief
    Helping Young Children Coping With Traumatic Grief
    After a Loss: Tips for Students
    How to Support a Friend Who is Grieving

    Sometimes individuals try to cope with emotional pain by deliberately harming themselves. This can be very different from suicidal gestures. The following resources build a deeper understanding of self-injury.

    Self Injury Guide for Parents & Caregivers - A guide to coping with urges 
    Substance Use & Abuse
    Adolescence is a typical time for experimenting with various substances. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health identifies alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco as the substances most commonly used by adolescents. The following materials offer parents and caregivers more information.